Cargo Operations
Planning skills
GREAT! Some more hands on deck! I’ve been hauling cargo all day here on land and blimey am I tired! So tired in fact… I can’t really remember where all these boxes are going… Would you be able to help me?
Consider it your mission to help this tired cargo loader to make sure all the packages get to their destinations!
How to Run
Explain to your section that everyday products that they use come from all over the world! The food they eat, the clothes they wear and even the beds they sleep on! Ask the section to shout out if they know any countries where products come from! Have the cub’s read the info sheet provided and discuss in groups how the shipping industry is key to getting us the things we need.
To play a fun game with your section split the section into teams, each team will receive either a selection of products or print out pictures of products. The goal of the game is to run the products from one side of the hall to the other choosing which buckets to place the products in, with each bucket representing a different country (each team should have different products so they have to make unique guesses.) After each team has done their runs, they should be given a score! The fastest team gets 10 points, second place 5 points and third place 2 points. However, explain to your section that accuracy is much more important! For example you might have a hard time trying to collect bananas from Scotland but you very well may pick up some shortbread!! Therefore, for every right answer give 5 points but dock 2 points for every wrong guess! (We recommend they have to make around 10 guesses per team) Finally after each team has played announce the winners!! These winners could even get a small prize!
What You Need
- Info Sheet
- Selection of Products or picture of products
- Buckets
- Printed flags to label buckets
- Stop watch
- Small prize (optional)
How to Run
Explain to your section that everyday products that they use come from all over the world! The food they eat, the clothes they wear and even the beds they sleep on! Ask the section to shout out if they know any countries where products come from! Have the cub’s read the info sheet provided and discuss in groups how the shipping industry is key to getting us the things we need.
To play a fun game with your section split the section into teams, each team will receive either a selection of products or print out pictures of products. The goal of the game is to run the products from one side of the hall to the other choosing which buckets to place the products in, with each bucket representing a different country (each team should have different products so they have to make unique guesses.) After each team has done their runs, they should be given a score! The fastest team gets 10 points, second place 5 points and third place 2 points. However, explain to your section that accuracy is much more important! For example you might have a hard time trying to collect bananas from Scotland but you very well may pick up some shortbread!! Therefore, for every right answer give 5 points but dock 2 points for every wrong guess! (We recommend they have to make around 10 guesses per team) Finally after each team has played announce the winners!! These winners could even get a small prize!
What You Need
- Info Sheet
- Selection of Products or picture of products
- Buckets
- Printed flags to label buckets
- Stop watch
- Small prize (optional)
GREAT! Some more hands on deck! I’ve been hauling cargo all day here on land and blimey am I tired! So tired in fact… I can’t really remember where all these boxes are going… Would you be able to help me?
Consider it your mission to help this tired cargo loader to make sure all the packages get to their destinations!
Your tasks:
- Learn about what products are brought to you by sea!
- Play a fun game!